A Guide to Writing a Dissertation Literature Review

When it comes to research, certain papers are often cited in order to support arguments when they're written. As part of the process of doing research, you're supposed to write a literature review that includes the paper you want to cite. This guide will give tips on how to write literature reviews easily and efficiently.

What is a literature review?

Every dissertation must have a literature review. The literature review is the culmination of your research. It presents all of the information gathered during your study in a manner that allows for easy understanding. It cannot be substituted for the actual research itself, but it does offer a way to present all of the important facts in one place. It also serves as a platform for you to express your opinion about the study, its findings, and how it compares to other studies on the same topic.

Purposes of a literature review

A literature review is a critical assessment of the literature surrounding a given topic. The review is the foundation for, and often includes crucial background information needed to understand, support, and develop a thesis. Literature reviews can be a difficult task because they typically cover a vast number of sources.

How to write a literature review

When writing a literature review for a dissertation, there are some things that you should keep in mind. first, you need to choose which journals and articles to include in your project. this is important because you want to make sure that your study was done on a wide enough range of sources so as to have valid data. additionally, the literature review should be written with a particular audience in mind, which can provide an outline of what needs to be discussed and how it should be presented.

How to organize your literature review

The literature review is a key component of a dissertation, and it is also mandatory in most academic papers. A good literature review provides a chronological timeline of the research that has been done on the topic of your paper, as well as a summary of the major themes that have emerged from those studies.

The final draft of the dissertation summary

The dissertation literature review is a very important part of your dissertation. It is where you present the literature that your study will be based on, and provides a framework for understanding how it relates to your research topics. In order to write a strong dissertation literature review, it is important to make sure that you have all of the necessary information from each source.


Conclusion: In the end, literature review is more than giving a list of sources and discussing their importance. It is a way of understanding the big picture and coming up with a coherent, well-planned argument.

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