Deciding to allow yourself as a student to go on an excursion is probably one of the most important decisions you can make.
As a student, you stand to gain a whole lot by going to visit places where you have never been to before. There's a common saying that, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". I am very sure you do not want to be a "Dull Jack".
An excursion is a short trip taken as a leisure activity. For example, going to visit the White Bay in Australia is an exciting idea of an excursion. That's far better than reading it in a book or just seeing it on the computer.
Now if you are thinking what's so great about going on an excursion? Then you have to keep reading to discover exciting reasons why you should go as a student.
1. The first reason is that an excursion gives you exposure to other people's cultures. It is not just enough to be acquainted with only your city and not try to find out about other cities and their uniqueness. If you haven't already had something planned, now is the best time to get on that bus, train, or plane to visit a place like Australia which is widely known for its natural wonder. Of course, there are many other places. We have Dubai which hosts the tallest building in the world. We also have amazing things in some African countries like Kenya and Nigeria. It is in Nigeria you will find a spring of water oozing forth cold and hot water!
2. Another reason is that going on an excursion provides you with a real-life learning experience. Getting to read about many fun places and viewing pictures is not enough to give you an unforgettable experience other than going first hand to have a taste of it. Memories of it will never leave your mind because you did not stop at reading it in a book. You have a real-life experience painted forever on your mind.
3. The third reason is that excursion gives more amazing educational adventures than the normal school can afford to give. Visiting places like the fire station, zoo, hospital, historical sites, museums, etc, can boost a student's ability to retain what he or she is being taught in the four walls of the classroom. The only thing many students do is google things like "best dissertation writing services” for project work", instead of visiting places in real-time which will help a great deal.
4. Furthermore, going on an excursion helps you to build confidence as a student as well as make new friends. If you have trouble socializing, going on an excursion can do an amazing job of helping you mix and build your self-esteem. It breaks down the walls partitions as you get caught up in the moment. Going outdoors boosts the development of confidence.
5. Finally, it helps you to be disciplined. This is because students are required to be in their best character when on an excursion. Obedience to instructions builds discipline and self-control in a student.
All these and more are the reasons why students are encouraged to go on excursions. It's time to take that adventurous trip that will leave an unforgettable experience in you for the rest of your life.